Year 4 Teacher

Fiona Gargett – Year 4
- Year 4 Teacher
- Literacy Coordinator
- Read Write Inc. Leader
- Named Child Protection
- Student Placement Coordinator
Hi my name is Fiona and I am the teacher in Year 4. I am very lucky as I work with the most wonderful children and staff and come to school every day with a smile because of this. I first started life at The Grove as a student in September 2006. I knew that the school was a special place to be and I decided I didn’t want to teach anywhere else. I have also worked in Early Years and Year 5. I don’t have a favourite.
I live in Consett with my husband, Keith and son, Oscar. We love being outside every weekend come rain or shine. We love to go exploring and we often take the bus or train to new places to explore. My favourite place to go is Gibside. It is so peaceful, and I go for long walks there. I also love cooking which is handy as I also love eating. My favourite food is Italian.