Welcome to Year 1, our class teacher is Laura who is assisted by Hayley. You can find out more about us on our Meet The Staff page.
We place a great emphasis on play in Year 1 and believe that it is an important part of children’s learning. Although our timetable looks full, children are given access to continuous provision in every lesson. Adults are also given time to work in the provision with children to ensure they are getting the best out of their time in class.
Useful documents for Year 1
Year 1 Long term overview 2024 25
In literacy this term, we are looking at the stories ‘Journey’ ‘return’ and ‘quest’ by Aaron Becker. We will focus on using our phonic knowledge to write simple words/phrases and possibly sentences. We will be trying to form our letters correctly and place them on the line. We will introduce capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. After the October holidays, we will also look at the stories “Under and over the snow” by Kate Messner and the classic Christmas story, “Twas the night before Christmas”.
In maths, we will be following White Rose Maths. We are looking at numbers 1-10. We are trying to build an in depth knowledge of number and make them really secure as this will help them further up the school I know you may think that ‘My child can count to 10’ but we are working on building those deep foundations of numbers such as 7 can be made of 3 and 4 or 5 and 2. It doesn’t matter which way round they go and the sums are equal as they all equal 7. We will be looking at adding and subtraction within 10 and looking at 2D and 3D shapes.
In Science, our topic this term is animals including humans. We will be focusing on humans this half term. We will be learning different parts of the body, looking into our senses and learning about scientific investigation. Then after the October Holidays we will be looking at Animals.
Foundation subjects
In P.E. This term is Gymnastics and PE fundamentals. For the first half of the term we will be practising basic fitness skills such as balances, jumps, running and dodging, the basic fundamentals. The second half of the term we will be doing some gymnastics.
Please ensure your child has a PE kit in school as we will also be getting dressed by ourselves.
Our P.E. days are Tuesday and Thursday. All children will require a full P.E. consisting of a colour top based on their team colour, a pair of black shorts or leggings and a pair of trainers/sand shoes for this half term.
In Geography ,we are looking at what our school is like. We will be investigating our grounds and what is around our school and what Consett is like. We may link this into history and look at what Consett was like back during the Steel works.
In French, we will be learning simple phrase, colours and numbers to help prepare us for learning French in KS2.
In DT, We are looking at healthy food, particular fruit. We will be testing lots of different fruits and we will be using them to create our own Year 1 smoothie.
The children have access to the creative area where they can make and create their own designs. This term will focus on free standing structures using different materials and resources.
In Music, We are learning about rhythm and song. We will be learning lots of lovely new songs this term.
In Religious Education, our key questions this term are ‘What do Christians believe about Jesus?’ and ‘What is it like inside a church?’ We are hoping to visit the Parish Church of Consett in the Autumn term.
In History we will be looking at our family tree and how things have changed within our lifetime. We will look at Consett and how that has changed and how we have changed, grown and developed.
Our first topic in PSHE will be health and wellbeing. It will be about identity our own feelings and spotting feelings in others but will also be about building relationships with friends, teachers and families and how we can talk about our needs with trusted adults and friends.
How you can help your child:
We believe that any work you do at home with your child should be simple and purposeful. We would ask you to support you child in the following:
Life skills – We encourage the children to develop independence. If children can, can you encourage them to get ready by their self as unlike reception, they will be getting ready for PE in class rather than coming in in their PE kits. I feel this is an important skill they need to start developing.
Reading- Please read the reading book we send home 3 times a week. This helps build up fluency and confidence with reading. Please leave a note in their reading journals about how they got on reading it.
I will also be sending phonic sounds home throughout the year. It would be good if you could help your child learn these.
Number skills- All the children will get a log in for Numbots. This is an interactive game which helps the children learn their numbers and number facts. The log ins will be stuck in their reading journal in September. Every week in assembly, the children that have been on the most and made the most progress get pennies for their chart and get to get up in front of all their friends for a round of applause.
There is also Number blocks on BBC I player which teachers great mathematical terms/language and helps build those secure number bond facts.
In Year One, children will take part in a phonic reading assessment you can find out more information about this here:
Here are a selection of website you might like to try at home: