In Year 3, our teacher is Jacqui Evans assisted by Joanna Grundy . You can find out more about our staff on our Meet The Staff page.
Useful documents for Year 3
Year 3 Long term overview 2024 25
What we are learning in Year 3 this half term…
In English, this term, we will be reading The Stolen Spear. This is a fun adventure book based in the Stone Age with themes of strength, bravery and self-belief. We will be basing our writing around this story this term using it to write descriptions, diary entries and letters.
In maths, we will be following White Rose Maths. This term we will complete addition and subtraction and move on to multiplication and division. Times table will play a big part this term and we will be continuing to recap the 2, 5 and 10 times table as well as beginning to learn the 3, 4 and 8 times table.
Our topic is animals including humans during which we will be looking at a healthy diet in both humans and animals, the skeleton and the muscles and the importance of fitness.
Foundation subjects
In History, we will be looking at Stone Age to Iron Age looking at Britain’s first settlers and builders, and landmarks around the country that give us clues about the early settlers way of life.
In Computing, we will be looking at creating media using animation as well as the importance of Online relationships in E-safety.
In DT, we will be looking at electrical systems.
In PSHE, we will looking at how to celebrate difference in our relationships with family and friends as well as the wider world.
In French, we will be learning about classroom objects.
In RE, we will be learning about Advent and why it is important to Christians.
Our PSHE topic will be Valuing Difference. Looking at stereotypes, friendship and people of the world.
In P.E. our topic will be dance. Our P.E. days are Tuesday and Thursday.
All children will require a full P.E. consisting of shorts, school t-shirt, trainers/sandshoes as well as jogging bottoms and a hoody in case we can go outside for this half term.
How you can help your child
We believe that any work you do at home with your child should be simple and purposeful. We would ask you to support you child in the following:
Reading- Reading any texts with your child will help improve their fluency and knowledge. We will send home a reading book assessed at their current reading level. We will send home a book for pleasure that can be enjoyed with your child.
Number skills- Basic number skills are a great way to help improve your child’s confidence in maths. We would ask that you support them to play Numbots/ Times Table Rockstars as this will really help their basic skills. Could you also use any spare time, i.e when you are walking or on car journey’s, to chant times tables and ask your child questions related to times tables. We have now worked on the 2s, 5s and 10 times tables. These skills will support them in all areas of numeracy.
Spellings- Each week the children will learn a new spelling rule. You could support your child with understanding these rules by helping them to practice them. You could do the look/cover/ write/ check method or even play games such as letter scramble ( mix all the letters up and then put in the correct order) or hangman. Please use the spelling sheets on Tapestry each week to practice the relevant ones linked to the week’s work.
Keeping homework fun helps to engage your child and not add any pressure to home life.
If there is anything we can support, you with then please let us know
Jacqui and Joanna