Here at The Grove Primary School, we are proud to work with Taylor Shaw who provide our school lunches. All school meals are freshly cooked on the premises by Taylor Shaw staff, Lynne Graham our school cook and her assistant Trish Pipe. Taylor Shaw provides a menu that promotes a healthy diet in accordance with the Healthy Schools Campaign to encourage children to eat healthy. It is hoped that most children in school use the school meals service.
As of September 2020, the cost of a school meal is £2.10 per day. All payments for school meals must be made online through ParentPay. Some children, including all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2, are entitled to a Universal Free School Meal.
Some families may receive benefits and be entitled to Free School Meals. For more information about free school meals entitlement please visit the Durham County Council Website or contact the school office.
Please have a look at our poster too for additional information if you think that you are entitled to Free School Meals FSM poster
Alternatively, if children wish they can bring a healthy packed lunch to school.
Summer Menus
We will be asking parents/carers to complete children’s Summer Lunch Menus and are carefully considering how to do this. If you would like your child to have a school dinner or alternatively you would like your child to change to a packed lunch, you must contact the school office by telephone or email.
The new menus will start on Tuesday 8th June 2021.
Please see below or alternatively Summer Dinner Menu
Special Dietary Requirements
We can provide tailored school meals for children with special dietary requirements or medically related diets. Contact your child’s school for further information.
Our school council School Nutrition Action Group (SNAG) works closely with Taylor Shaw representatives to plan themed lunches and to help raise awareness of a healthy diet to all children in school.