Here at The Grove Primary our Year 5 are our official Mini Police. The Mini Police project is set up and ran by Durham Constabulary is a means of engaging with local communities, especially in hard to reach areas to address policing priorities, increasing confidence and to reduce perceived barriers. The Mini Police is seen as an attractive volunteering opportunity for children aged 9-11 years to contribute to policing and community safety, in a fun way, giving young people a voice. The Mini Police are ambassadors for both Durham Constabulary and The Grove Primary School.
Peaceful Protesting
As part of the Grove Eco week. All classes in school have be enjoying lessons and activities that focus on how we can improve the environment.
Year 5 children braved the rain this morning to share their views about walking to school and have been handing out leaflets outside of school to raise awareness for their cause. Year 5 are hoping that they can encourage as many people as possible to walk to school to help the environment and keep children around school safe from traffic.
Patrolling The Grove
Our Year 5 Mini Police did a great job patrolling the local area with our PSCOs and local councilors. They checked for any dangerous things in the local area that could cause harm or injury to children playing, checked for rubbish or fly tipping and even found time to check for any cars parked illegally. Great work Mini Police!