Rachel Crowe is our Pastoral Support Worker in school and her role is centered around supporting children and families. This can happen in a variety of ways and if Rachel cannot help you, she usually knows somebody that can! We understand that home life and school life are intertwined and both need to be running as smoothly as possible to get the best for our children. Rachel offers support around: Finances, Housing, Behaviour, Health, Safeguarding among other things. If you need involvement from other agencies, Rachel is available to offer support and is usually asked to attend meetings etc. If you want to discuss how we can help you in a strictly confidential manner, please contact Rachel C either via the main school telephone, the school mobile or via email: pastoral@thegroveprimaryschool.co.uk
Swap Shop
We have a uniform Swap Shop which has nearly new items of uniform, shoes and coats too. You can either donate items of nearly new uniform or we can supply items to you. This can be via phone call, text or completing this link https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Uv_fRWSDc02_Oo-YvfENh3ZQyJwiXkNEgQaJ-izrUnVUNENPTFJMRkJRMlEzRVZOOEpDN1ZNRlZCRC4u
Foodbank/Additional help
We have close links with the Foodbank in Consett and often organise collections to give something back. We also access funding to provide additional food items to help families over the holiday periods. This is open to all of our families and means we often have staple food items in school that are given to families that might need a little extra help whatever the reason! This can be via phone call, text or completing this link https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Uv_fRWSDc02_Oo-YvfENh3ZQyJwiXkNEgQaJ-izrUnVUNVI4QzA3WEFITVRSSEFMODFCRDhaRFdBQy4u
Breakfast Club
Greggs currently fund our Breakfast Club – we have around 40 children attending each day – from Nursery up to Year 6 – which is fantastic! Children can have as much as they want of food items including: cereal, toast, fruit, yoghurts, hoops/beans, cheese, jam etc., It is a great way for the children to start the day and ensures they ready with full tummies for whatever activities they have ahead. We also operate a ‘grab and go’ breakfast scheme for children that are not able to attend Breakfast Club but have not had time for breakfast or are still hungry. There are trays of toast around school that children can ‘grab’ as they come in and ‘go’ to class. Breakfast club starts at 08.00am via the main school gates. Breakfast is free for those entitled to Universal Free School Meals and £1 per day for those not entitled.
Greggs Foundation/Additional funding
As part of our relationship with Greggs, we can access various pots of funding to support families that may be facing financial hardship for whatever reason. We have been able to get items such as washing machines, new beds and uniform for some of our families. Rachel also has access to other funding streams, advice and grants.
We hold a playgroup every Friday morning 09:30 – 11:00 am in the hall. It is free to attend (donations welcome) and everyone is welcome! There are lots of toys, crafts, messy play and snacks for adults and children alike. We have a wide range of current attendees including childminders, members of the local community and people from further afield. Come along and have some fun.
General Documents and Links
These are general resources that might be helpful during the period of school closures. We hope that you find these useful.
Example timetable
Can you beat the wall – Primary
STEM Activities
Personal Best Cards
Free logins for parents
General websites for children
Online Timetable
Covid 19 Time Capsule
60+ Virtual Tours and Trips
Additional Resources for families April/May
Parent websites Wellbeing
Tapestry FAQs
back to school anxiety support for young people
back to school anxiety support for parents/carers