Welcome to Year 5. Our class teacher is Sally Skinner who is assisted by Rachel Walker.
Useful documents for Year 5
Welcome to Year 5! This term our topic is Amazing Adventures.
Our class text for literacy will be Edie and the Box of Flits by Kate Wilkinson. This book is about a girl, who after finding a box on the London Underground, has a massive task ahead of her helping to find the missing Flits before time runs out. We will be looking at lot of different styles of writing including: our own stories about what happens next, a recount of a midnight raid and non-chronological reports about Halloween.
Children will bring home their reading books and planners in their book bag every night. These should be returned to school- each day- as we use them in class throughout the week.
In school, we will be following the White Rose resources for Maths. This term we will be focusing on shape, position and direction, decimals, converting units and volume. Quick recall of times tables is an important skill and children have access to Times Tables Rockstars to practise at home. The leader board is posted on Tapestry each week and children can earn money for their class bank if they get in the top 5 leader board.
Our science topic will be Forces where we will look at air resistance, water resistance and friction. In the second half term, we will look at Living Things and their Habitats, examining lifecycles and habitats of unfamiliar animals.
In history, this term, we will be looking at WW1 in the local area, including looking at the census for the local area in 1914 and examining what life would have been like.
In French, lessons we will be learning different place names in French and transport methods. We have a French lesson once a week and spend an extra five minutes each day revising key concepts.
Every child- in Year 5- has a Duolingo account so they can practise at home either on the Duolingo app or on the Duolingo for school’s website. Let me know, via Tapestry, if your child has forgotten their login details and I can send them again.
The children will be looking at developing their CAD skills working using micro: bits to create a wild animal monitoring device.
Our topics in PSHE will be Being My Best, which will include ambition for careers as well as making the most of our local community. We will also look at Growing and Changing including how feelings might change as you get older and how to take care of yourself as you hit puberty.
P.E. is twice a week in Year 5 which will be every Wednesday and Friday. Every Wednesday, we will have a coach from Grassroots. Children will need a P.E. kit, every Wednesday and Friday, containing a t-shirt in their team colours, black shorts and shoes suitable for running and moving around. We will be trying to get outside for being as much as we can if it isn’t too cold. As the weather can be unpredictable in Consett, children may wish to add old, warm clothes such as tracksuit bottoms and a sweatshirt to their P.E. kit. P.E. shoes will need to be suitable for outdoor use too.
In computing, we will be learning about programming using micro: bits, writing code for it to be used as a compass. We will also be using Scratch to programme a quiz.
Our R.E. topic this term will look at How Jewish Beliefs Are Expressed at Home.
This term, our music topic is composing, and we will be doing this around Dancing in the Street. We will also be looking at a topic called Reflect, Re-wind and Replay where we will look at music throughout history.
Please do not hesitate to contact us, if there is anything we can do to help and support your Year 5 child.