Welcome to Year 4. Our class teachers are Fiona Gargett (Tuesday- Friday) and Emma Howe (Monday). They are assisted by Joanna Grundy.
Useful documents for Year 4
Year 3 4 National Curriculum word list
Year 4 Long term overview 2024 – 25
Our class text this term will be The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate Dicamilli. We will be using this text in our literacy lesson to write stories, persuasive texts, information texts and recounts. We will also be reading Escape to Pompeii by Christina Balit and The Iron Man by Ted Hughes.
Children will:
Talk about books read, offering opinions and synopsis.
Expand and explain answers to questions based on texts read.
Make references to texts when answering questions.
Justify inference with evidence.
Read aloud with increasing confidence.
Children will:
Attempt to make simple links between paragraphs.
Plan effectively for a range of writing.
Decisions about writing are based on awareness of audience and purpose.
Propose changes to grammar and vocabulary to improve consistency.
Read aloud their own writing to a group or the whole class, using appropriate intonation and controls the tone and volume so that meaning is clear.
Children will be:
Working on multiplication and division facts.
Looking at length and perimeter.
Thinking about fractions. Including improper fractions and adding and subtracting fractions.
Decimals. Count up and down in tenths; recognise that tenths arise from dividing an object into 10 equal parts and in dividing 1-digit numbers or quantities by 10
In Science, we will be looking at the digestive system including intestines and teeth. We will also relate this to other animal’s digestive systems.
In Geography, we will be thinking about why Italy roars and shakes and taking a closer look at Mount Vesuvius.
In History we will be going back to the Romans to think about what they did for us.
In Art we will be looking at self-portraits, sketching face shapes, eyes, ears and mouths.
In R.E. we will be thinking about what Christians think and believe about Jesus. We will also look at some of the miracles that Jesus carried out.
In computing we will be looking at digital sounds and how we can record these and play them back.
In P.E. we will be playing basketball and dancing.
In PSHE we will be thinking about dangers, risks and hazards by playing games and being involved in role play.
We believe that any work you do at home with your child should be simple and purposeful. We would ask you to support you child in the following:
Reading– Reading any texts with your child will help improve their fluency and knowledge. We will send home a reading book assessed at their current reading level. We will send home a book for pleasure that can be enjoyed with your child.
Number skills– Basic number skills are a great way to help improve your child’s confidence in math. We would ask that you support them to play Numbots/ Timetable Rockstars as this will really help their basic skills. Could you also use any spare time, i.e. when you are walking or on car journeys, to chant times tables and ask your child questions related to times tables. We have now worked on the 2s, 5s, 10s, 3s, 4s and 8 times tables. These skills will support them in all areas of numeracy.
In Year 4, we will complete a Multiplication test in June. This is a test of children’s understanding of their times tables from x2 up to x12. It would be great if you could help your child learn their times tables. There are lots of games on line like “Hit the Button” that make learning tables fun!
Maths Frame is a great tool to help children speed up for the test. They will receive 6 seconds per questions in June so the faster they can type the better!
Spellings– Each week the children will learn a new spelling rule. You could support your child with understanding these rules by helping them to practice them. You could do the look/cover/ write/ check method or even play games such as letter scramble (mix all the letters up and then put in the correct order) or hangman. Please use the spelling sheets on Tapestry each week to practice the relevant ones linked to the week’s work.
Keeping homework fun helps to engage your child and not add any pressure to home life.
If there is anything we can support, you with then please let us know.
Thank you!
Fiona and Joanna