EYFS Teacher

Nicola Duggan – Nursery Teacher
- EYFS Teacher
- P.S.H.C.E Coordinator
- Rights Respecting Schools Coordinator
- School Council Lead
Hello my name is Nicola and I am the teacher in Nursery. I am very lucky to work with the youngest children in the school. I have taught classes of children from Nursery to Year 3 and French with Year 6. Out of all the year groups, I must say that Early Years is my favourite.
I started working at The Grove Primary School in September 2016 and I LOVE it. Working here- every day- is a real pleasure as all the children, parents and staff are wonderful. They are so warm, caring and friendly and have a real thirst for learning. It is such a wonderful place that I come to school with a big smile on my face every day.
When I am not at school, I love spending time with my husband and gorgeous daughter Ella, who always has a smile on her face. Ella is 7 and is in Year 2 at The Grove Primary School-she loves it! I also love relaxing with a good book, going to the cinema or shopping. I have a very sweet tooth and love baking. I like to make yummy cakes, biscuits and sweet treats and Ella loves to join in too. In fact, she is thinking of becoming a ‘baker’ when she grows up. At the weekend, we like to go for long walks in the countryside and Lincoln our Labrador, likes to find muddy puddles to jump in! We are members of National Trust and often visiting local places of interest.
Everyone at school knows that one of my favourite things in the world is Disney. I love ALL things Disney and I have been lucky enough to spend 3 weeks in Disney World for a holiday; which was amazing! I love it so much I wish I could live there! Because I can’t it means I am always trying hard to save up so for my next holiday there.