Sally Skinner- Year 5 Teacher
Year 5 Teacher
- Year 5 Teacher
- Science Coordinator
- Computing Coordinator
- First Aider
- Child Protection Named Person
Hi my name is Sally.
I have taught at The Grove Primary School for a long time now (over 11 years!) and I have loved every minute of it. I was a student here when studying to be a teacher and just never left. I feel very lucky to be able to work with the wonderful children that come to our school and I am very fortunate to have a job that I love so much.
I teach in Year 5 and I love teaching the oldest children in our school. I learn something new every day and not many people can say that about their job. I enjoy all subjects but my favourite, as all of the children know, is science. The human body is such a clever and fascinating thing and the children always love the gory parts. I also look after computing alongside Charlotte.
I enjoy lots of different things outside of work including travelling, home improvements and food, both eating out and cooking. My favourite is Mexican; any type!