Here at The Grove Primary it is important to us that we ensure all learners with SEND are making progress. The SENDCo sets end of year targets for all learners with SEND to enable staff to work towards these targets. We review the impact of our interventions every half term to ensure they are having an impact. In cases where an intervention is not working effectively staff will consult with the SENDCo to adapt or change it.
Pupil progress meetings with the Head Teacher will also monitor the effectiveness of the provision to ensure that teachers and support staff are accountable for ensuring children make the progress they should.
We continuously ensure the provision has a positive impact on the outcomes for all of our children/young people. We do this in a variety of ways, including:
- Robust evaluation of policy and practice
- Book scrutinies
- SENDCO/SLT/Governor monitoring
- Learning walks
- Performance management
- Consultation with pupils and parents
- Sharing of good practice with other settings
- Consultation with professionals and experts